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--....Yaaaaaaay. I'm not even a gamer and I giggle. Constantly. Like, to the point where I have metaphorical heart failure. Yes.

--Possibly my favorite webcomic in existence, created by the first artist I actually followed on the net. Space Coyote is a wonderful, wonderful person. (With tendonitis. I cry.)

--Officially dead. Re-reading it is always a joy though. Cynical, bitingly sarcastic and a weird sort of radical liberal, goofy humor.

--This girl is a genius. Ben is freaking hilarious. It's been on a hiatus lately but... yeah. whatever. That's cool.

--Drawn by the marvelous Dina Situ as a sort of omake, attempt to read this only if you're ready to leave inhibition at the door.

Malakhim--One of the better webcomics I've ever, ever read. It blows my mind and makes me inordinately happy when she updates.

--Something fun to read that's actually got some wonderful artwork thrown in. Dark/Whimsical version of old fairytales, because we love it when Princesses are named after months.
--Yes, yes and yes. OEMGEE. Failure to read this will result in brain damage *nudgenudgewinkwink* Fantasy, about a psycho little guy who gets thrown into a world he's not sure is an illusion but gets hell from anyway. Not to mention the hell he gets from the other people living in his head. Oop, say no more =D
--Because I'm a sucker for Russia like that. Omigawd, the history =3= That and the pretty bishos. Yeah, it's shoujo for the history fanatic XD But you don't have to know a thing about history to get into it, even if having a little basis in French romanticism and the era just before the 1905 revolution makes for all these wonderful 'squee' moments XD
--.........X333 A fantasy comic that makes its magic out of parodying cliche. Yiiiiiissss. Go zombies =D
Girl Genius--No, wait - this girl is a genius >>; And she's the main character. Anyway, I love steampunk/gaslamp fantasy so this is right up my alley. Plus it's funny. Yaaaaay =D
--Pretty, pretty artles plus some excellent (correct too, may I add - bigoted philosophy geek that I am) interpretation of right and wrong in the Judeo-Christian perspective. Heaven, Hell and Yaoi. Mmmmm =D
Dominic Deegan--Am I dork for pimping this? I'm a dork for pimping this. If you haven't read it all the way through yet, I really don't know what you're waiting for. The physics puns are so worth it.
Schism--I try so hard not to get addicted to this, but every time it updates--oh, the shinies ;o;

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